Camp Wheeler Ga.
July 24, 1943

Dear Mother and All

I will answer your letter I got today and was glad to hear from you. I am well and hope you are the same. I am in the Infantry and we haven’t started our main training yet. we are going to start Monday and I like the army fine so far we have done a lots of Marching and I like fine. I am in a rifle company and I like it. We will practice shooting them and we will get to shoot machine guns. they done give me a rifle and a banet to go on the end of the rifle. this Camp is about 18 miles long and about 15 miles wide and I guess its about 80 thouands of soilders here.

I got a 8 page letter from Pauline to day when I got your letter. I wrote matha and Virginia a letter Monday and haven’t heard from them yet. When was Virginia and Cecil at home last, or have they been there since I left.

Put my car in the shed as soon as you can.

Why didn’t Davis G. take us to town when he was supposed to. and how much did Uncl Dick charge for going to town.

Pauline said in the letter that She saw youall over at church and said She talked with youall. She said she was going to pick peaches 10 of Augist. I guess peaches is about ripe now.

I had rather been in the army than picking peaches. we don’t have to work hard. We have a good time going to movies and they have ball games. foot ball games and other things. I don’t think we get pay until first of September. We can’t leave the camp yet but when we get to go to town I am going to have some picture made and I will send one home to you. Since news is scarce I will close answer soon.

From Wilson

P.S. Tell Magga I will write to here next time