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Names are listed as last, first middle i.e. "Smith, John Middle"
Example Smith* will find all persons with the name starting with Smith

Wildcard *

Searching with wildcards allows a query to search for a partial match of a word. The conditions are that a wildcard can only appear at the end of a search term, and at least two characters must be provided before the wildcard * (asterisk) argument.  In example below, all matching documents that contain words that begin with the characters De and contain the word Miller will show up on the search results page:
Examples of words that satisfy the De* wildcard search term are: Detroit, Dennis, Dean, and Demolition.

This is not a perfect search.  Once it hits on a page you then need to search that page for any info you are looking for.

©1996 - 2002 Copyright for these pages and the information contained therein lies with the submitters or the maintainer named on each page. Reproduction or commercial use of any kind is strictly and expressly prohibited.

This page is part of the Shiflet Family Genealogy Website and is maintained by:
Julia Crosswell / Fort Worth, TX / 1998 - 2006
Robert Klein / Pasadena, MD / 2008 - present